Basilic, un serveur bibliographique libre (et grenoblois)

Article publié dans: Logiciels et programmation le mardi 19 septembre 2006 à 09:51 par Maud
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Sur le web : Basilic

Une réalisation libre (php/mySql/apache) d’ARTIS, une équipe du laboratoire GRAVIR - IMAG

La présentation en anglais :

Basilic, Automated Bibliography Server for Research Publications Diffusion

Basilic is a bibliography server for research laboratories. It automates and facilitates the diffusion of research publications over the internet, automatically generating web pages from a publication database. Each publication has an associated web page, which provides downloads and additional documents (abstract, images, BibTeX...). Index pages are also created, including a search engine with several options for results display. New publications can be added to the database in an instant.

Main features

- Automated bibliography server : easy to use, automatic page generation.
- Each publications’ web page automatically shows all of the associated documents.
- Index pages with a powerful search engine.
- Various result displays : researcher’s publication list, image gallery, BibTeX...
- Separate back-office for edition of publications and database checking.

Ease of use

- New publications can be added and edited easily using a simple web form.
- To publish associated documents (pdf files, images, abstract, ...), simply copy the files to the publication’s directory. Thumbnails are generated automatically from images and movies.

Up-to-date web server

- Publication lists and associated pages are always up to date.
- Dynamic content : changes are immediately published.
- Easy use encourages researchers to keep the server updated.

Simplified administration

- Lightweight server administration : an e-mail is sent in case of problems.
- Delegated management : each researcher manages his or her own publications.
- Simple semi-automatic system installation
- Initial database can be created from BibTeX files.

Clean organization

- Clean directory hierarchy : sorted by year, then by publication BibTeX key.
- Each publication’s associated directory holds all of the associated documents.
- A separate back-office section for bibliography management.
- A unified look and feel for all publications.
- Bilingual (or more) web sites are handled.

Conformity to standards

- XML export, compatible with PubliCNRS format. See export page (in french).
- Validity of BibTeX entries is enforced.
- Strict XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0 compliant pages are generated.


- Customizable look and feel using css style sheets.
- Distributed under the terms of the GNU-GPL licence and hence open source.
- Based on simple php scripts that can easily be modified and extended.
- Fully customizable installation paths to fit your web server organization.

Possible extensions

- Adding new languages for multilingual web sites is easy.
- Managing multiple teams, adding a lab member database...
- Based on a mySQL database : new queries and tables are possible.

Dans la même rubrique

Toutes les rubriques

Logiciels et programmation
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Standards, modèles, formats d’échange...
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Publication scientifique et édition en ligne
Blogoshpère Académique
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Nuage de mots

droit d’auteur ajax java php xml colloques Contenus Endnote humour i-conf lodel Métadonnées Optimisation peer commentary peer review pratiques pédagogiques Refworks validation scientifique Vidéo blog CMS ENT Flash gestion bibliographique Outil Spip Wiki Editions critiques Hal Université couleur css Ergonomie Evolution du web Expérience utilisateur Google Interface riche Internet explorer tests Web 2.0 webdesign


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